rePost : List : Half-heartedly, 7 Mistakes That Prolong The Misery Of A Breakup:

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7 Mistakes That Prolong The Misery Of A Breakup:
1. Why can’t we be friends? This sounds nice but in reality an ex does not make a true friend, especially immediately after the breakup.
2. I must have closure. Closure can be difficult to obtain no matter how many conversations one has. The best closure can come from resisting the urge for dialogue and moving on.
3. I just need to make sense of it all, and I just have one more thing to say before you go. Another version of closure and another reason to stay in contact when in reality this just gives your ex another opportunity to hurt you. Not fun.
via Half-heartedly, 7 Mistakes That Prolong The Misery Of A Breakup:.

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