rePost :: Capone goes in over his head with the marvelously silly HOT TUB TIME MACHINE!!! — Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Capone goes in over his head with the marvelously silly HOT TUB TIME MACHINE!!!
Hey, everyone. Capone in Chicago here.
Sometimes you admire a comedy because of its subtle wit and cleverness, because it keeps a sustained smile on your face that lasts the duration of the film. Other times, you fall head over heals for a comedy because it is balls-out the perfect combination of stupidity and intelligence, with a healthy serving of charm thrown in and a dash of the grotesque. Welcome to HOT TUB TIME MACHINE, folks, a movie that almost dares you not to giggle your way into a frothy stupor. What put this film over the top for me was its complete and utter disregard not only for conventional logic and sensibility, but the film actually bothers to set up its own time-space continuum rules and then breaks them with a wanton disregard for the Butterfly Effect. On the plus side, TIME COP's essential rule about the same person from two different times occupying the same space is cited and dealt with quite effectively. But for God's sake, this isn't a movie about science; it's about partying '80s style, and who better to do that with than John Cusack?
via Capone goes in over his head with the marvelously silly HOT TUB TIME MACHINE!!! — Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

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