rePost :: Law Degree for Sale | Mendelson's Musings

If you are going to be something don’t do it because it’g going to be a stepping stone to somewhere.
See few people really know what the real  stepping stone to where they want to be.
Based on my obviously worthless observations during the long trudge towards our dreams, we get more information. This information helps us to have a clearer view two ways. It shows us if where we are dreaming of being is really where we want to be. It also shows us if where we are currently walking/traveling would bring us any closer to our dreams.
This makes me realize that stepping stones are not really that bad.  It’s just that stepping stones limit your choices because we have to choose , excluding other paths. It is this that really irks me.  It is this blind-sidedness some people have towards what they do with their lives.
We only have one and we have no idea how long our stay here would be, barring any 4-5 sigma medical advance we are not going to live forever.
You should at least try to live. No I have to repeat. You have to LIVE in all caps.

Law Degree for Sale
Some enterprising lawyer in San Francisco has decided to sell his law degree on Craigslist.

Awesome stuff.
From the sale description:
“After several years of practicing law I have come to the conclusion that my law degree is useless and I don’t want to be a lawyer anymore. Though I spent over $100,000 on it I am willing to sell it for the bargain basement price of $59,250, which is the current value of my remaining student loan balance.
This priceless collectible will permit you to be surrounded by hobby-less assholes whose entire life is dictated by billing by the hour and being anal dickheads. Additionally, this piece of paper has the amazing ability to keep you from doing what you really want to do in life, all in the name of purported prestige and financial success. Finally, girls in the Marina will swoon with retarded thoughts of sugar daddy when they hear you went to XXX prestigious law school and are a lawyer.”
I love bitter lawyers. Nicely done.
via Law Degree for Sale | Mendelson’s Musings.

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