Elink Pic: Freedom from XKCD

You one thing that seems to get at me? I don’t like the helplessness random people espouse. A little backstory. My social skills are almost perfectly correlated with how good I am feeling. It’s like when I’m in a great mood I can strike up a conversation with most anyone. The sad thing is I’m mostly in the not too happy and not too sad mood, which translates to interacts with people who I trust. The few times I’m in that great mood I tend to converse with whoever is around me. I find that a lot of people have this feeling that life is what’s happening to them, not what they are doing to the things around them. It’s as if you have no choice on things. To find the one you love, To find a job you’ll like, To find your passion. Yes finding these things are not easy. Yes, you’ll probably be near exhaustion or to your wit’s ends. But you either try to live, try to find light in this sometimes dark as a moonless overcast sky night, sometimes bright as the noon time clear sky day, or just go jump out your 3rd/4th floor terrace. Fuck nihilism, Fuck meaning. Live. Don’t cocoon yourself, shutting everyone off, and slowly losing connection with life. Marc Cuban once wrote that “being rich saved you from problems not having money brought” or something similar. So you didn’t have a life less ordinary. So you didn’t expect that after college life would be so fucking hard. So you didn’t think that things would be so fucking slow. Well so what. The sun will shine if you’re not here. People will be happy. Happiness is a choice. Living is a choice. Fucking deal with it!!!!
PS:Sorry for the rant spent from 6:45 am to 2:30 pm in a fucking long line under the searing heat of a summer inspired sun for an NBI fucking clearance , while my fucking sense of right didn’t allow me to go to the fucking fixers who were helping people skip the line, I needed to unload.

Freedom from XKCD

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