rePost:: Her Facebook status changed to "single?" Ur dumped | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

Nice, social norms are changing fast!

Her Facebook status changed to “single?” Ur dumped

Reuters | 02/24/2010 5:40 PM
LONDON – Digital dumping is on the rise, according to a survey, with growing numbers of people preferring to use email and social networking Web sites to break up with their partners.
Over one third of 2,000 people polled (34 percent) said they had ended a relationship by email, 13 percent had changed their status on Facebook without telling their partners and six percent had released the news unilaterally on Twitter.
By contrast, only two percent had broken up via a mobile phone text.
The rest had split up the old-fashioned way by face-to-face conversation (38 percent) and by telephone (eight percent).
via Her Facebook status changed to “single?” Ur dumped | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

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