rePost::The thrill of the bespoke | JessicarulestheUniverse

I’ve been wanting to buy a Moleskine for years, but I’ve always felt a tinge of guilt right before I’m going to buy them. It just reeks excess and in hugh macleod these things are pillars we use to hide behind. Although carrying a pocket notebook has been a very good experiment for me.

As a Moleskine user I am shocked, Shocked at all the colors and variations on my beloved black carnet. First there were those silk-covered notebooks for the Van Gogh Museum, then all the commemorative stuff—Woodstock, Helvetica, and so on. In soft cover! What is this world coming to! Must those young whippersnappers defile the classics with such impunity?
That’s my fuddy-duddy tone. I like this: the limited edition My Pilipinas notebook, a collaboration between Moleskine, Collezione C2, and National Bookstore. The notebooks are now available at Collezione C2 and National Bookstore branches—P995 for the pocket notebook, P1480 for the large notebooks. My one complaint: it’s only available in soft cover.
via The thrill of the bespoke | JessicarulestheUniverse.

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