Better Class of Civil Servants::TSA forces travelling policeman to remove his disabled four-year-old son's leg-braces Boing Boing

This is why some people who has the means to travel to the US don’t.

TSA forces travelling policeman to remove his disabled four-year-old son’s leg-braces

By Cory Doctorow at 2:57 AM February 16, 2010

Philadelphia TSA screeners forced the developmentally delayed, four-year-old son of a Camden, PA police officer to remove his leg-braces and wobble through a checkpoint, despite the fact that their procedure calls for such a case to be handled through a swabbing in a private room. When the police officer complained, the supervising TSA screener turned around and walked away. Then a Philadelphia police officer asked what was wrong and “suggested he calm down and enjoy his vacation.”
via TSA forces travelling policeman to remove his disabled four-year-old son’s leg-braces Boing Boing.

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