rePost:: Places Not to Be Gay: Malawi Edition ::wronging rights

Places Not to Be Gay: Malawi Edition
Last week, police in Malawi arrested 21 year old Peter Sawali for putting up posters reading “Gay rights are human rights” in response to the public indecency trial of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga. (The two men face up to 14 years in prison for attempting to marry.)
Apparently, the government believed Monjeza and Chimbalanga were Malawi's only gays, so imagine their surprise to be confronted with a well-organized gay rights campaign secretly producing and distributing “expertly and expensively printed” posters and leaflets. The authorities have announced that whoever is doing it had better reveal themselves so that they can be arrested too.
I'm thinking given how poorly Malawi has treated the two gays they've got, it's not likely anyone's going to respond to the request “if there are others, let them come out in the open.” When will governments learn that gays are a privilege, not a right?
via wronging rights: Places Not to Be Gay: Malawi Edition.

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