rePost::Reddit, I got the best present a girl developer could ever want. : programming

This was a sweet story. Read the whole thing

So, to give you a little background me and this guy went on a few dates and he moved far away. We got along well, things didn’t get very far. He is really nice, however, I wasn’t leaning one way or the other.
He sent me the Post Secret books for xmas. He hinted at another present, but said I had to wait. It’s a little after Christmas, but I got this email yesterday with the title “I wanted to make something for you for Christmas”:
“So I told the computer, and it showed me how to write a poem in byte-form. I can’t tell what you’re thinking these days, but this will either remind you of something that was good, or send you off.”
It included a link to a file, which I downloaded. Inside, there was a file called magicfile with no extension and a ReadMe that said:
via Reddit, I got the best present a girl developer could ever want. : programming.

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