rePost::The accommodating point « Paulo Coelho’s Blog

Wow, this was an interesting read. I’m not anit love or something like that. It just seems that a lot of people are like the character in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity, They just want to think about something else. Life is such a beautiful thing that I cannot subscribe to the belief that the complex solution to finding happines is actually the simple narrative “find someone to love.” Note the someone, I believe I can be convinced with the validity of the statement “Find love” because it can mean, “Find ….. you love”, substitute … with the host of things we can love. I am moved by the suspicion that Paulo Coelho’s personal legend has a very big grain of truth about it. You must keep on searching and finding then searching again for your personal legend.
PS: you can think of this as a pre valentine rant. Read the whole thing (linked article).

The journalist asks whether the only way a human being can become happy is to find their beloved. The woman says no:
“Love changes, and nobody understands that. The idea that love leads to happiness is a modern invention, dating from the late 17th century. From that time on, people have learned to believe that love should last for ever and that marriage is the best way to exercise love. In the past there was not so much optimism about the longevity of passion.

via The accommodating point « Paulo Coelho’s Blog.

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