Better Class Of Politicians:: The new cabinet in Chile::Marginal Revolution

This makes me a bit envious, hope the next president can have a cabinet of people with intellectual, depth and curiosity, partnered with actual success in management of large institutions.

The new cabinet in Chile
E. Barandiaran notes in the comments:
You may want to know about the qualification of the new cabinet of 22 secretaries. There are 6 economists with graduate studies in the best US universities: Felipe Larraín will the secretary of the Treasury (Felipe is well known as the co-author with J. Sachs of a macro textbook and also got his Ph.D. from Harvard), two a Ph.D. from Minnesota and three a Master from Chicago. There is only one laywer but with training in law and econ in Harvard. A few others have degrees in public policy or MBA, and most of the others are engineers, all with graduate studies abroad. Most have been related as students, professors, and deans with Universidad Católica. Thus, Sebastián Edwards knows well the six economists (they studied there in the 1970s and were my students and/or assistants). Most have already long, successful careers in private enterprises and close relations with important NGOs. Quite a cabinet.
via Marginal Revolution: The new cabinet in Chile.

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