rePost:: Moore's Law is Crap::Stevey's Blog Rants

Great advice. Read the whole thing.

The Big Choice
We all have to choose how to spend the time we’re given.
If you don’t choose, it just slips right by you. I know. On a trip to Vegas not too long ago, I made a pit stop in a casino restroom, and as I was washing my hands, there was this older guy there, also washing his hands. On a whim, I asked, “Hey man, how old are you?”
His reply? “Seventy-two! I have a son: I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday! I was holding him just like so. Well, guess what, he turned 40 years old just last week! It goes by in a flash! Before long, you’ll be lookin’ at THIS!” He pointed at his wrinkled mug, and concluded his monologue with: “Haw, haw, haw! HAW HAW HAW *cough* *cough* HAW *cough* *hack* HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW!” and walked out. I think I made his day, although I can’t exactly say he made mine.
When you graduate from college (or high school, for that matter), you have a simple choice facing you. You can either keep learning, or you can stop.
There is an almost unbelievably easy heuristic for knowing whether you’re learning. It goes like this: no pain, no gain. Learning is hard. If it’s easy, then you’re coasting; you’re not making yourself better at something fundamentally new that you couldn’t do before.
via Stevey’s Blog Rants: Moore’s Law is Crap.

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