Better Class Of Politicians Please::Villar defends anew poverty roots –, Philippine News for Filipinos

If you show no respect for the norms/procedures that ensure a workable government of checks and balances then why the heck do you want to govern one(government)? As we can see in the US Senate/Congress, an institution where people seem to no longer have delicadeza is an ungovernable group. If Villar cannot submit to a council of his peers in the senate he is showing a disrespect to half of the the institution which is charged with guarding against executive excess. We do not need another GMA. I think that if he just submits to his peers in the senate, not only will he appear as being ganged up on (we Filipinos love the underdog), he would also quite people like me who believes that personalities are trumped by the institutions in the long run. He needs to stand up and declare to the country and to his peers his innocence. If he is not confident in his skill to defend himself, How can we trust him to defend us, the Filipino People.

Gordon noted that there were candidates, who projected to be pro-poor in political ads only to get elected in office.
“You can see those who play cute with people, those who use advertising to say that they are poor and yet they are not when you see their record,” said Gordon in Filipino.
When booed by some people from the crowd, Gordon said, “Thank you very much, alam kong kasama kayo sa mga pumasok diyan [I know you were among those who went inside].”
He was apparently referring to supporters of Villar, who were in the crowd.
Gordon said the poor were being exploited but often forgotten once the candidates were elected in office.
“You have to face the fact, kung ang leader niyo hindi haharap sa accountability dapat hinds iboto [if your leader will not face his accountability, you should not vote for him],” Gordon added.
His last remark was also an apparent reference to Villar, who refused to face the Senate investigation into his alleged involvement in the road project controversy.
via Villar defends anew poverty roots –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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