rePost::Seth's Blog: The relentless search for "tell me what to do"

This is sooo true nobody wants to make a decision. Make a decision and other people would criticize it or say that there is a better way. I think it’s easy to think of something better. I believe it’s esay to go one up when someone has already set the bar/base,  the problem is that few people do, few people accept the responsibility of being wrong. My take? if it’s really important to you then stand up and get yourself heard other wise don’t let other people pass the buck to you. It’s easier finding someone to blame than facing that blame so do it only when you feel it is important to you!!!!

The relentless search for “tell me what to do”

If you’ve ever hired or managed or taught, you know the feeling.
People are just begging to be told what to do. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I think the biggest one is: “If you tell me what to do, the responsibility for the outcome is yours, not mine. I’m safe.”
When asked, resist.

via Seth’s Blog: The relentless search for “tell me what to do”.

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