rePost::Same-sex marriage is bad, but Prop 8 lawyers don't know why Boing Boing

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I’ve always been puzzled by the strong opposition to same-sex marriage. I just don’t see what’s so bad about it. I have no idea what the harm is. I’ve talked to many supporters of CA Prop 8 but they haven’t been able to tell me either.
Last night I was reading an October 14 transcript from Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the case that’s deciding the constitutionality of CA Prop 8. I was surprised to discover that apparently *nobody* knows what the problem is with same-sex marriage. Not the plaintiffs, not the defendants, and not the judge, who seems more than a little surprised by this.
via Same-sex marriage is bad, but Prop 8 lawyers don’t know why Boing Boing.

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