Quote:: Fathoming People's Emotions and Motives from Afar

A friend once said to me, “I don’t judge other people, I don’t care if other people judge me.”

What’s more, deconstructing the dynamics of a relationship we have no part of is a fool’s errand:
A friend of mine once said that the only two people who know what’s going on between a man and a woman are the man and the woman themselves. He was half right. The man and the woman—or man and man, woman and woman; it’s all the same—are the last to know. The idea that we can precisely fathom people’s emotions and motives is absurd. We can barely comprehend our own. Maybe pretending that we understand what makes our political figures tick is how we console ourselves for not understanding our politics at all.
via Ben Casnocha: The Blog: Fathoming People’s Emotions and Motives from Afar.

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