rePost::Because X is the new Why » Living in the Friend Zone

Found this post funny, and some…

A prime example is the following transcript of a recovered phone conversation between myself and Marcee Moran, “You Changed my Life in a Moment,” girl version 2.0, circa 2004:
Jaton, internalizing Dr. Phil: Leave him. You’re a beautiful girl, and anyone would be lucky to be with you.
Marcee Moran: Really Jates? Fuck that means a lot coming from a guy like you.
Jaton, in his head, “a guy like me…”: You can forgive a guy like that, but you can’t forgive me for this little thing… running you out of business?
(Note: line lifted from You’ve Got Mail (1998). One of the very rare WWTHD fail.)
Marcee: Jaton? What? Hello?
Jaton: Nothing. Maybe we can talk about this tom? We can see 50 first dates. It could be our first date.
(Note: sadly, I really said this.)
Marcee: Yeah why not! I’ll call Grace and Maggie.
Oh Ducky, you know they’re going to crop you out of that photo right?
For the better part half of the last decade, I kept falling in love with these Marcee Morans who always decided that I had a vagina. And as the friendship with these girls grew stronger, the less of my advice they heard, and the more assholes they saw.
“Aren’t there any good guys out there?” the Marcee Morans said.
I never knew what to answer so I’d just freeze, nod in all the right places, and try to be helpful, even if part of me wanted to answer, “if by sensitive you mean, sexy,” as I telepathically tuck her hair behind her ears.
via Because X is the new Why » Living in the Friend Zone.

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