rePost::DARPA Works on Reinventing all of Manufacturing Modelled on the Semiconductor Industry to Boost Economic Growth in the USA

This is actually a very worthy proposal.  I suspect that the company of the future would be the individual. As many others have pointed we may all just be free-agents in the future.

DARPA Works on Reinventing all of Manufacturing Modelled on the Semiconductor Industry to Boost Economic Growth in the USA
Popular Science reports – DARPA believes that replicating the semiconductor industry manufacturing model will enable other manufacturing sectors to experience similar economic booms.
Vertical integration has become inefficient, dragging creative companies down with costs associated with maintaining manufacturing facilities. “The seams between each stage of development; between design and prototyping, early production runs, limited, and large scale manufacturing … create extensive rework and are the source of production delays, surprises, and cost overruns,” Dugan said in her statements to PCAST.
The semiconductor industry, on the other hand, designs products and relies on semiconductor foundries to manufacture — even to prototype at the prototype stage — their products. These fabrication-less firms focus on innovating and leave the core manufacturing to the foundries, which distribute their costs across the products of many companies. The result is greater efficiency on both ends; designers focus on innovating and manufacturers are never idle waiting on the next big idea from upstairs.
via DARPA Works on Reinventing all of Manufacturing Modelled on the Semiconductor Industry to Boost Economic Growth in the USA.

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