Better Class of Politicians Please::Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

I should have started an online betting pool of when the mud slinging will begin, but when come to think of it when did it even stop? A Philippines for Filipinos and not Politicians!!!!

Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | 01/26/2010 4:29 PM
MANILA, Philippines – Sen. Manuel Roxas II on Tuesday likened Sen. Manny Villar to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for using the usual line of “politicking” to dodge allegations of corruption.
“Ito ang linya ni GMA (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) 'di ba? Lahat ng mga accusation ng anomalya kay GMA, ano ang sagot ni GMA? Politika lang. Hindi sinasagot ang issue (This is GMA's famous line. All accusations of corruption against GMA, what's her answer? It's all politics. She does not answer the issue directly),” Roxas said in an interview over radio dzMM.
He urged Villar to appear before the plenary session on Tuesday to personally refute the charges.
Roxas said that instead of facing the issue of “corruption” head on, Villar and his allies have been trying to divert the issue by hurling allegations against other presidential candidates.
The senator was referring to the claim of Villar's camp that allies of Liberal Party presidential candidate Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III leaked the report of the Senate Committee of the Whole penned by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile.
Roxas insisted that the presidential race has nothing to do with Villar's ethics case.
“The issue here is Senator Villar, as [then] Senate president and chairman of the finance committee pushed the [C-5 road] project and the road passed through his property,” he said.
via Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

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