Quote::Fear of Time Travel : Aardvarchaeology

I find this actually true, people worry of things that probably wouldn’t happen to them, even worse prepare for it. I have the graphic of the one page guide to how to create some stuff we take for granted now  for the unlikely nay almost impossible chance that I time travel to the past.

I’m pessimistic. I have a feeling that I’d end up dead, plague-struck, imprisoned or a manual labourer pretty soon. (If I were a woman I’d reckon the first sexual assault would come within hours.) And the funny thing is that somehow I actually worry about this time-slip scenario. It’s akin to the low-level anxiety it causes me in the real world to be living off stipends and not having much of a steady income. But actually, somewhere deep down I’m more afraid of being time-machined barehanded into the Stockholm of Svante Nilsson’s stewardship.
via Fear of Time Travel : Aardvarchaeology.

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