rePost::THE DANGER WITH THE CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 « Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2009

We live in a country where the individual is all but forgotten, we must fight against laws which can easily be abused to harass people and quell dissent.

January 14, 2010
Although we recognize the need for legislation that will protect individuals and institutions from malicious attacks through electronic means, it must not be addressed by a law that sweeps broadly to cover many other electronic devices and many other legitimate electronic activities exercised by ordinary citizens. H.B. 6974 unfortunately, does not provide clear-cut definitions to “electronic devices” nor to “cybercrimes”. By deliberately providing a vague and catch-all definition of such devices and activities, government institutions and agents mandated to execute the Cybercrime Prevention Act, in case it is implemented, are dangerously empowered to intrude into the privacy of individuals, interfere with ordinary and harmless electronic activities and suppress legitimate forms of expression through electronic means.
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