rePost::The RV Loophole

I Love Traveling, but I Hate Flying
I’ve always hated flying, but since 9/11 the security theater in the US has become absurd. Every time I fly there are new regulations, new hassles, new reasons and means for dehumanizing passengers and treating them like cattle, and new excuses for airlines to delay flights (maybe I just have really bad luck, but I haven’t had a flight without delays, usually hours long, in nearly three years). I don’t feel safer because of it, I just feel a constant mild discomfort at how cowardly I and my fellow Americans are that we need and quietly accept such outrageous procedures in order to feel like our government is protecting us. I ought to be downright angry at how poorly I’m treated at airports, but I usually just feel tired and defeated. Since I don’t like feeling tired and defeated, I’ve avoided flying for the past several years as much as possible, mostly limiting my travel to northern California destinations.
I also like to bring my dog when I travel. She loves travelling, as well, and is a lot of fun to have at the beach, hiking, etc. She’s usually sociable (though she doesn’t like strangers touching her), particularly with other dog owners, so she tends to lead to more conversations and me meeting more new people, which is probably a good thing.
via The RV Loophole.

The thing that makes flying problematic is not the flying per se its the airports and airport regulations.

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