rePost::Self-Schemas: Finding The Surprising Gaps in Your Self-Knowledge? | PsyBlog

Wow! Read the whole thing it’s fascinating. This actually explains a lot of the people around us that we obsess on being oblivious to their faults. I remember a friend’s description of who he finds beautiful,”someone who has no idea how beautiful she is”. His description maybe circular but this definition is simply saying “some on beautiful that doesn’t think she is entitled to anything because she is beautiful”.

And we all have these aschematic areas in our self-knowledge, traits which are blind spots to us but are perfectly obvious to others. Unfortunately the only way for us to find out is to ask other people, but this may prove difficult or embarrassing. Still, while our hidden traits might be negative, they might also be positive: people are sometimes surprisingly unaware of their charm, warmth or conscientiousness.
Whether or not we pluck up the courage, this research reveals the fascinating and unnerving idea that some aspects of our own personalities may be completely mysterious to us only because we never bothered to take any notice of them.
via Self-Schemas: Finding The Surprising Gaps in Your Self-Knowledge? | PsyBlog.

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