rePost:: How to brag

Do I brag a lot? I hope not. Nice read!! from MR!
I think save for the obvious name/school/gadget dropping we are largely ignorant of the times we brag about stuff. This presents us a problem when trying to control our bad habit. I suggest that the cliche advice thinking before speaking is one of the most useful advice that we could employ against bragging.

How to brag
No one likes a show-off. But to get ahead in this world, you're going to need to let at least some people know what you're capable of. Thankfully Nurit Tal-Or has arrived with a pair of studies that offer some insight into how to brag without coming across as big-headed.
The crux of it: context is everything when it comes to boasting. If Avi’s friend raised the topic of the exams, Avi received favourable ratings in terms of his boastfulness and likeability, regardless of whether he was actually asked what grade he got. By contrast, if Avi raised the topic of the exams, but failed to provoke a question, then his likeability suffered and he was seen as more of a boaster. In other words, to pull off a successful boast, you need it to be appropriate to the conversation. If your friend, colleague, or date raises the topic, you can go ahead and pull a relevant boast in safety. Alternatively, if you’re forced to turn the conversation onto the required topic then you must succeed in provoking a question from your conversation partner. If there’s no question and you raised the topic then any boast you make will leave you looking like a big-head.
via BPS RESEARCH DIGEST: How to brag.

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