rePost::To Give To Haiti : Casaubon's Book

To Give To Haiti
Category: Haiti
Posted on: January 13, 2010 1:01 PM, by Sharon Astyk
It is always hard to grasp the magnitude of suffering in Haiti – a place that should not be so desperately impoverished, that should never be the victim of so much suffering has an almost unending depth of misery. And it has only gotten worse over the last few years, as high food prices have driven people to starvation, as hurricane after hurricane has battered Haiti, and now the earthquake has caused immeasurably more suffering. The best most of us can do is open our purses, and we should open them wide.
Where to? Well, all the usual suspects are good – The Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Unicef. But here are a couple others:
Haiti Children is a shoestring orphanage program for abandoned children (of which there are many) in Haiti. They put all the money to children's issues – and there will be more orphans now:
The Lambi Fund of Haiti is a fascinating grassroots organization founded by partners in Haiti and the US that focuses on democracy, micro-credit and environmental stewardship, as well as immediate relief issues:
Give now, given generously. I will.
via To Give To Haiti : Casaubon’s Book.

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