rePost::No contact with Filipino UN peacekeepers in Haiti –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Pray they are well.

No contact with Filipino UN peacekeepers in Haiti First Posted 11:01:00 01/13/2010 Filed Under: Diplomacy, Security (general), Americas – Canada
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Mission to the United Nations has received no word from the Philippine contingent in the UN peacekeeping unit in Haiti, which was just hit by a 7.0-intensity earthquake, learned Wednesday.
In an exchange of messages, Elmer Cato, first secretary, peacekeeping officer, and press officer of the Philippine Mission based in New York, said the mission is concerned about the safety of Filipino peacekeepers, composed of 157 troops and 22 police officers led by Lieutenant Colonel Lope Dagoy, as well as the estimated 500 Filipino civilian expatriates working there.
But, he said, “Knowing the Filipino peacekeeper, he will be the first to respond in situations like this. Our contingent is surely involved in search and rescue operations in Port-au-Prince right now.”
via No contact with Filipino UN peacekeepers in Haiti –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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