rePost:: 14 Thoughts on Advice Giving and Receiving

Very nice list. be sure to read the whole thing!

5. “Passion” and “Voice” are two of the most frequent and most vague pieces of advice. Career counselors tell young people to follow their passion and writing coaches tell writers to find their voice. Both are horribly misunderstood.
6. Beware of advice from meta-careerists. That is, beware of advice from someone who is a professional advice-giver (a full-time self-help author, say), rather than someone in the trenches.
7. When giving advice, include the word “because.” It increases eventual absorption, regardless of what you say after the word “because.”
8. When you give advice, give the person options, and let them choose the best path. People hate to be told what to do — need to make them feel empowered to make the decision for themselves.
via Ben Casnocha: The Blog: 14 Thoughts on Advice Giving and Receiving.

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