rePost::Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest : The Primate Diaries

Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest
Category: Environment • Gender & Sexuality • Politics
Posted on: December 15, 2009 9:00 AM, by Eric Michael Johnson
Sex workers in Denmark have offered free sex in response to Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard's attempt to discourage prostitution during the COP15 Climate Change Conference. The City Council had postcards delivered to 160 hotels where conference delegates and associates of COP15 would be staying and paid for advertisements in local newspapers that read:
‘Be sustainable: Don't buy sex!’
However, prostitution is legal throughout Scandinavia and sex workers have formed unions to protect themselves from exploitation and harassment. In response SIO (Sexarbejdernes Interesse Organisation; or the Sex workers Interest Organisation) announced on their website that this was a political attempt to criminalize sex work in the city:

via Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest : The Primate Diaries.

We should join them in protest! hehehe, why does it always seem that i’m living in the wrong city?

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