rePost::Where Does My Money Go? » Data

All the data we’ve extracted and cleaned is available on google docs linked from our summary spreadsheet.
The majority of our present data comes from the Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis (PESA) which is the highest level breakdown of Government spending. However, we aim to have information at a much more granular level down to the lowest levels of government expenditure.
An introduction to our material with details of what we’re working and where we need help can be found here.
If have ideas for data we should incorporate and where we can find it please let us know using the form below.
via Where Does My Money Go? » Data.

the visualization is here:
This is cool, wish we could do this to data from the philippines.
If I can find out where I can get this data for free. probably either from the NSO (National Statistics Office) or Possibly Congress/Senate archives. I don’t know but I am putting this on my todo list!!

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