rePost::Watch the 1967 Bob Hope special, save America's public domain videos Boing Boing

So Carl’s pitch is simple: Watch some awesome public domain videos and do good for the world.
Now, Carl Malamud sez, “In preparation for my testimony on the future of the National Archives before the House Oversight Committee, we forked out another $461 and uploaded 28 more government videos. I’m trying to show that people care about this stuff, so I’ll report the total number of views to the Congress. This batch has some amazing stuff. In addition to the Bob Hope Christmas Special, there are documentaries about the Manhattan Rhythm Kings, the Cambodian Royal Ballet, and James Audubon. If you’re into spooks, don’t miss the CIA’s True Stories, a special on Mind Control and Hallucination, and KGB Connections.”
via Watch the 1967 Bob Hope special, save America’s public domain videos Boing Boing.

nice excuse to watch some videos in youtube!!!!
their youtube channel here

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