Cloud of Atlases by The Editors – The Morning News

Cloud of Atlases
Maps without legends may not be immediately informative, but determining what they represent is extremely fun. If you’re into that kind of thing, THE EDITORS have a game for you.
Rosecrans Baldwin and Andrew Womack are the founding editors of The Morning News.
If you’ve ever picked up an old globe in a thrift store, you already know the sport of trying to determine its age based on where certain borders are demarcated and how territories are designated. And if testing your combined knowledge of history, culture, and cartography sounds like your kind of fun (it’s our kind of fun), you may enjoy what we’ve got in store.
We’ve removed the legends and all other telltale labels from the maps below, and challenge you to guess what each map depicts using only clues contained within the maps: the color-coding, names, landmarks, and whatever else you can detect. Here’s one clue to get you started: None of the maps represent gross national anything.
via Cloud of Atlases by The Editors – The Morning News.

This has been a huge time sink for today. Link surfing wikipedia has always been a weak point.

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