Advice:: Alex Payne — Criticism, Cheerleading, and Negativity

Everyone Wants A Cheerleader
Everyone says they’re comfortable with criticism and with critics, because not being able to handle criticism is a sign of immaturity. What people really want, though, are cheerleaders. Nowhere in life is this more true than in business.
A healthy business needs passionate employees to succeed. Critics are the most passionate people you can find, but we’re conditioned to assume that critics are negative curmudgeons with nothing more than slings and arrows to contribute. So rather than seeking out critics, employers seek out cheerleaders.
Cheerleaders are, on the face of it, lovely people to have around an office. They’re just super excited to be there, even if they haven’t had the time or inclination to really think about why. They abhor any suggestion of negativity, and pave over it with empty can-dos. A cheerleader might be a good worker or he might not be. It doesn’t really matter, because the guy is just so damn nice.
via Alex Payne — Criticism, Cheerleading, and Negativity.

I use to be a vortex of negativity. I believe everyone goes through a I’m mad towards the world for no fucking reason phase.
After I got through some of my hang-ups I believe I started to criticize most things/people/stuff. People don’t really like this.
Now; I believe I am in a If I care for this/for you I will not shut up. As most things balance is needed. I accept you/this for what you/this is , But I still yearn for you to meet your potential, yet if you don’t it’s not an issue.  It is this constant battle between loving/accepting who we/they are , and wanting to change/improve who we/they are.
If we love ourselves too much we don’t change, If we hate ourselves too much we become powerless to change.
It’s this dualism that keeps us going forward one step at a time.
What does this mean to you? Some friends will push your patience. Some friends will make you hate them. Some fill question what you believe in. Some will tell you flat out you are wrong. Don’t go for the primal reaction of wanting only cheerleaders. If your friends can’t be honest with you, who can?

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