rePost::10 Geeky Laws That Should Exist, But Don’t | GeekDad |

Nice funny list, clickthrough to read the list!

10 Geeky Laws That Should Exist, But Don’t
* By Matt Blum |* November 10, 2009 |* 8:00 am |* Categories: Everything Else
There are many, many laws having nothing to do with government that are useful to know because they tell you something about how the universe works. There are Newton’s laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, Boyle’s Law, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, among many. Most of these laws have been known for a long time, but it wasn’t until a mere 19 years ago that Godwin’s Law was written.
If you’ve ever been involved in a discussion on Usenet, or have been following politics in the past decade or so, you’ve probably encountered Godwin’s Law. While Godwin’s Law is, alas, as true today as it was then, it seems unfortunate that there aren’t more widely accepted axioms to help us geeks define the characteristics of our world.
via 10 Geeky Laws That Should Exist, But Don’t | GeekDad |

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