rePost::Letters of Note: If I cannot live with you I will live alone

Been down in the dumps romantically lately ( this and my ankle sprain are the only thing making my life not fully AWESOME! channeling barney from How I Met Your Mother!!), time to post something mushy, hehehe. From John Keats, read the whole letter!

I do not write this till the last that no eye may catch it.
My dearest Girl,
I wish you could invent some means to make me at all happy without you. Every hour I am more concentrated in you; every thing else tastes like chaff in my Mouth. I feel it almost impossible to go to Italy – the fact is I cannot leave you, and shall never taste one minute’s content until it pleases chance to let me live with you for good. But I will not go on at this rate.
via Letters of Note: If I cannot live with you I will live alone.

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