Learned Today::Getting a rise out of getting a rise

Wow this is enlightening. Some people really do get of at pissing other people off. Lesson learned , if someone you are irritated with actually gets of at pissing people off,  well its time to be that person nobody can seem to piss off!

Participants who had higher testosterone levels responded better to angry faces than to neutral ones, even though the faces were on screen too briefly to identify. Michelle Wirth, who led the study, explained how this can possibly be correlated to other testing methods:
“Better learning of a task associated with anger faces indicates that the anger faces were rewarding, as in a rat that learns to press a lever in order to receive a tasty treat. In that sense, anger faces seemed to be rewarding for high-testosterone people, but aversive for low-testosterone people.”
So the next time it seems like that person is trying to piss you off, reward them with a knuckle sandwich.
via Getting a rise out of getting a rise.

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