rePost::When your IT job feels hopelessly stale, what's next?

When your IT job feels hopelessly stale, what’s next?
By Bob Lewis
Created 2009-10-14 03:00AM
Dear Bob …
I’m almost embarrassed to ask your advice about this because it isn’t much of a problem as problems go — except that it is for me.
y problem is that I’m feeling like I’m getting hopelessly stale — like I’m stuck in a rut, doing the same thing over and over again (I’m a sys admin, and my colleagues and I are good enough at it that we don’t have the fun of fighting fires).
I go to work every day dreading the same old routine, and yet my skills are perfectly suited to the job I have, and I’m working for a good company and like my manager. Even worse, I can’t come up with any other career choice that fits your “three circles” test (what I’m good at, what I enjoy, and what other people will pay me to do).
So I feel like I’m stuck, and it’s a bad feeling.
Any thoughts?
– Stuck

via When your IT job feels hopelessly stale, what’s next?.

Bob Lewis’ advice (only quoted the best part read the article for the whole advice):

My guess is that you’ve wrapped up too much of yourself in your career. It might be time for you to explore some other avenues for your satisfaction.
I once heard what I was told was an old Irish saying: “Life’s a banquet, and you’re invited.”
If it isn’t, it should be.
– Bob

I have to admit feeling this sometimes .

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