More On Scribblenauts::Review: Scribblenauts

This is version 0.0.1 of what Ender had at the Battle School’s game computer. So Cool!

There’s this part I love in the movie Ratatouille where a critic says, “The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.” It’s something I always try to keep in mind and it’s moved me to first, before we do anything else, celebrate what a staggering accomplishment Scribblenauts is.
It’s a game where you solve simple puzzles with almost any object you can dream up (as long as it’s not libations, licensed or lascivious) and every item acts the way you’d expect: bears chase honey and dogs chase cats. It’s a game where you can spend hours just messing around to see what creatures can beat God in a fight (zombies: no; vampires: yes). As a technical achievement and as a toy, it’s really brilliant. Scribblenauts is a thing of wonder.
via Review: Scribblenauts.

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