WordCamp Philippines 2008 update

Hmm less than a month to go before the Word Camp Philippines 2008, heheh very excited!
It seems the event organizers (Mindanao Bloggers here🙂 have corralled in more sponsors and they have finally released the list of mini-sessions, The group is also holding a Visayas and Mindanao pre WordCamp Meetup . here is an excerpt from Migs’ email:

4. There will also be a pre-wordcamp which will be held in Davao for bloggers in Mindanao and Visayas who will not be able to join the Main WordCamp in Manila! This is slated on Spetember 4, 2008. And yes.. Matt Mullenweg will be there!

The Schedule is found here, reproduced below:

8:00 AM Registration
Fellowship & Coffee
9:00 AM Pambansang Awit
Welcome Address
by the Mindanao Bloggers Convenor
State of WordPress in the Philippines
by Chuckie Dreyfus
9:30 AM Blogging 102 — Basics & Beyond
by Jayvee Fernandez
Creating WordPress Themes & CSS Power
by Gail Villanueva
10:25 AM WordPress for Corporate Web Sites
by Hans Koch
Developing WordPress Plugins
by Markku Seguerra
Building A Blogging Community
by Blogie Robillo
Organizing & Optimizing Your WordPress Blog
by Ely Apao
11:20 AM Video Blogging with WordPress
by Kring Elenzano
WordPress as a CME/CMS
by Karla Redor
Blogging & Journalism
by Danilo Arao
WordPress & SEO
by Hans Koch
[ Sign-up for the sessions ]
12:15 PM Lunch
1:30 PM The Future of WordPress
by Matt Mullenweg
2:10 PM Demystifying Google Analytics
by Aileen Apolo
2:50 PM WordPress & Web Standards
by Regnard Raquedan
3:30 PM Powwow with Matt
4:30 PM Install-Fest
Raffle Draws
8:00 PM After-Party @ mag:net café

Signed up for developing Themes, Developing plugins, and WordPress as a CMS. I wish I didn’t have to choose between Plugins and using wordpres for corporate web sites session. Oh well can’t have everything.
Official Site: WordCamp Philippines 2008 here:
Organizers:Mindanao Bloggers here:
Sponsors of WordCamp Philippines 2008:

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