Feeling Special

I think it is totally defensible that a lot of people need or is at least is happy with the notion of feeling special. I think this is one of the reasons that cults proliferate in our world (People who know me may actually call me out in with an irony), that conspiracy theories do not only abound but it seems it to be the default among polite company.
I don’t know maybe my need to feel special is driving me towards solitude. I just have this default action when I don’t like the game I do not play. I can’t understand why it seems to me that most things belong to the walk away from category.
I do not think I am special, What I believe is that we are special by striving for something, trying to find what paolo coelho terms as our personal legend. It is about finding our place in this world, the things that we we’re meant to do.
This post was prompted by this, ty to Chris Blattman for the pointer


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