Learned Today: Disagreement : Overcoming Bias: Beware Ideal Screen Theories

Image by EssoPics via Flickr

I honestly was blind sided by this. I find it tedious to explain myself to other people. I find it hard to understand why people don’t understand what I say.  This is enlightening to me.  The problem is with me, and not the person I am conversing with. I am aware of only a small fraction of the relevant evidence and analysis that influence my belief!

Disagreement – When someone disagrees with you, you should wonder what they know that you do not. They might explain their reasons for their differing belief, i.e., their evidence and analysis, and you might hear and ponder those reasons and yet find that you still disagree. In this case you might feel that the fact that they disagree no longer informs you on this topic; the reasons for their belief screen their belief from informing your belief. And yes, if they could give you all their reasons, that would be enough. But except in a few extremely formal contexts, this is not even remotely close to being true. We are usually only aware of a small fraction of the relevant evidence and analysis that influences our beliefs. Disagreement is problematic, even after you’ve exchanged reasons.
Overcoming Bias: Beware Ideal Screen Theories.

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