Selling Ourselves Short

from NYT here:

When he was a Harvard undergraduate, Mr. Gates lamented that so many of his fellow students pursued a “narrow track for success” instead of being willing to “take big risks to do big things,” recalled Michael Katz, a Harvard contemporary
I used to be a victim of this mindset. It was as if I didn’t have the right to “Dream Big” or to dream in general. It was in the way that people seemed to interact with you whenever you are in dream mode. The trying to take you seriously look, coupled with doses of Is this Guy Serious and is this Guy Crazy look. I’ve read the signs well enough that I generally show my dreamer side once and look for the reaction of the people I’m talking with and calibrate from their.
One of the things I love with where I am working right now is the fact that the people I hang with in the office are receptive to my dreams, they don’t encourage it overtly but they allow me my space. This is the reason why I am at their asses most of the time telling them to maximize their potential and stop wasting their time feeling inadequate.
Another place where I find people who allow themselves to dream is at out technology cooperative (aic). The hivecc as we fondly call our hq may be interpreted as a place where bold minds and daring hearts commune. It is a diverse community whose common denominator is that alone we may reach amazing heights but together we may dream of much bigger things.
Well the bottom line is never sell yourself short! You are allowed to dream , and if you are already dreaming why dream small when you can dream big. Limit your interactions with people who continually dismiss your dreams, foster an environment where you are allowed to make mistakes and to try. Find people you trust who can tell you when you are somewhat going the wrong ways, People who would act somewhat as a North Star.

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