True Fans::Offsetting Behaviour: Economics of Scalping: Trent Reznor edition

NIN gets 10% of the available seats for our own pre-sale. We won a tough (and I mean TOUGH) battle to get the best seats. We require you to sign up at our site (for free) to get tickets. We limit the amount you can buy, we print your name on the tickets and we have our own person let you in a separate entrance where we check your ID to match the ticket. We charge you a surcharge that has been less than TicketMaster‘s or Live Nation‘s in all cases so far to pay for the costs of doing this – it’s not a profit center for us. We have essentially stopped scalping by doing these things – because we want true fans to be able to get great seats and not get ripped off by these parasites.
I assure you nobody in the NIN camp supplies or supports the practice of supplying tickets to these re-sellers because it’s not something we morally feel is the right thing to do. We are leaving money on the table here but it’s not always about money.
Being completely honest, it IS something I’ve had to consider. If people are willing to pay a lot of money to sit up front AND ARE GOING TO ANYWAY thanks to the rigged system, why let that money go into the hands of the scalpers? I’m the one busting my ass up there every night. The conclusion really came down to it not feeling like the right thing to do – simple as that.
via Offsetting Behaviour: Economics of Scalping: Trent Reznor edition.

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I’ve been mulling what I like to call as the “great service coalition”. Basically it’s like a club for people who crave great service, who are willing to pay to be served great! It’s about being an extremely shy person and people serving you knowing that.  Simply put tips just don’t work most of the time.  Still thinking about how to implement this, hope I find a way.