SC junks Comelec limits on airtime of political ads

This is how you do something when the GODS? of the black robes issue their commandments.  Find another way to do the same thing. What we have to control is not simply the spending of candidates but the superpac style funding of these candidates. What I mean is the “Paid for by the Friends of <INSERT CANDIDATE HERE>”. Although It is a given that people who believe in their candidates really do pay for some ads, this has just become another way of circumventing the spirit of the law because dummy corporation/dummy foundations/individual fronts are the norm in our country.  Although I believe that this really is freedom of speech there should be a mechanism that exposes these fronts that make a mockery of our election system. I am honestly still thinking how this can be done in a land where the interest of the rich and powerful trump moves that give life to our economy.

“With this new decision, the Supreme Court effectively obliterated a statutory mechanism to level the playing field by setting a cap on the quantity of media exposure candidates can buy,” the poll body said.
Comelec, however, claims it will no longer pursue a motion for reconsideration, and that it “vows to impose stricter campaign finance regulations – particularly on expense monitoring and documentary requirements – for the upcoming 2016 elections.”
via SC junks Comelec limits on airtime of political ads.

The West Wing (tv show) Reminiscence – Sonia Sotomayor edition

I remember this The West Wing scene where toby is elated with having someone confirmed as judge., and strangely the scene where president bartlett talks with a very old supreme court judge slowly becoming senile, the judge says “Who can you get me?,  I need someone who ahs a body of work….. I am much better than them in my worst days (on talking about anyone that bartlett can get confirmed)”. Strangely,  I feel that Sonia Sotomayor can actually pass mustard with that judge.
Kudos to the obama whitehouse, we take the victories that we can. Hope the honorable

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