Ted Talk: Elizabeth Gilbert On Nurturing Creativity

I liked this alot because I still haven’t developed that discipline in creation where you can force yourself to write/dance/code etc. It has to be from an overwhelming desire to do something. That’s my problem with work oft times, I pass mediocre (at least in my standards) whenever I have to code because of a deadline. I can only write stories when I am inspired, and I can’t sing alot of songs when I am not in love with somebody(like now).

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rePost:Notes for Students Working on Projects:Knowing and Doing: February 2009 Archives

Lana - she has sexy elbows.  Shhhh
Image by a7mileproduction via Flickr

This is a nice short list of advice for students working on projects  skewed towards software projects! Excellent and short read so go read it!

Notes for Students Working on Projects
My compiler students are getting to the point where they should be deep in writing a parser for their language. Walking back from lunch, I was thinking about some very simple things they could do to make their lives — and project — better.
Knowing and Doing: February 2009 Archives.

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