Best Read : East Side

from here

The folks representing the “true” Eastside have harassed CGT in the comment sections in the past and I’ve paid them no heed. Neighborhood beefs and turf wars are small-minded and silly. It reminds me of when I was in high school and the “Class of ’99” felt they needed to protect their identity from my “Class of 2000”. These kinds of things are always self-manufactured wars of identity waged by insecure people who need a contrived structure to measure themselves against others.

I don’t want to sound ranty but why does the insecure lead the pack? because the non insecure (at least least insecure) really have no need to feel part of the pack.  I woke up at 2.30 pm after sleeping around 9am because I had massive migraines.  Sorry for being ranty, but I love my family, I love my friends, and I feel for most people, I don’t need petty incidents reformatted as news to feel a commonality with other people.

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