RIP::Optimnem Blog: The Blog of Daniel Tammet: A Tribute to Kim Peek (1951-2009)

The memory I most treasure of Kim is of our mutual feelings of joy and excitement at finding someone who understood, in some small way, what it was like to think and feel and perceive the world very differently. We spent a long time swapping facts and figures with the kind of affection normally reserved for the gossip and reminiscences of old friends. And it really did feel as if we had known each other for years. There was a warm and wonderful ease and intimacy between us. I was and remain profoundly moved and inspired by the experience.
Meeting Kim and Fran helped me to learn much about what it means to be a savant, and a man. Kim faced his condition, its blessings and its burdens, with great courage, humour, and dignity. I must also pay homage to the tremendous and untiring dedication of Fran, on whom Kim depended and of whom he famously said: “We share the same shadow.”
via Optimnem Blog: The Blog of Daniel Tammet: A Tribute to Kim Peek (1951-2009).

If you’ve seen rain man. Dustin Hoffman’s Raymond Babbitt Character is based on Kim Peek!

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