Things To Ponder::Common Sense Atheism » On Seeking Truth

How should I be trying to find truth?
Truth is a difficult thing. Just a few centuries ago, the smartest humans alive were dead wrong about damn near everything.
They were wrong about gods. Wrong about astronomy. Wrong about disease. Wrong about heredity. Wrong about physics. Wrong about racism, sexism, nationalism, governance, and many other moral issues. Wrong about geology. Wrong about cosmology. Wrong about chemistry. Wrong about evolution. Wrong about nearly every subject imaginable.
Or so we believe. We think we are better informed than they were. Are we? Is our truth more reliable than their truth?
If we want to know the truth, we’d better have a good method for finding it. What’s the best method for finding truth? How should we be trying to find truth?1
via Common Sense Atheism » On Seeking Truth.

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Learned Today : College Kids All Racist In Their Own Special Ways – Race – Gawker

College Kids All Racist In Their Own Special Ways
By Hamilton Nolan, 12:12 PM on Wed Jul 8 2009, 30,144 views (Edit, to draft, un-top, Slurp)
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College: where drunk kids are guinea pigs for social science. The funnest college-kid studies involve race, because they make everyone uncomfortable! Now comes a new study of interracial college roommates that proves we’re all terrible. A racial breakdown:
If You Are White:
* Your black roommate makes you uncomfortable.
* You make your black roommate uncomfortable.
* You are far more likely to “break up” with your roommate if they’re not white.
* You will not be affected academically by your roommate’s race, because you care only about your own kind.
If You Are Black:
* You will do better academically if you have a white roommate, maybe in an effort to overcome your inferiority complex.
* Or maybe because you just don’t like them and can get some work done.
* If you have a white roommate, your own “positive emotions” will decline.
If You Are Asian:
* Not only are you more racist than any other group, you also make those around you more racist. Scientific fact!
If You Are of a Race Other Than These:
* You are not as interesting to social scientists.
Jerks, every last one of us!
via College Kids All Racist In Their Own Special Ways – Race – Gawker.

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