rePost: RIP to Francis Magalona:GMANews.TV – 'Eat Bulaga' contestant bags P1-M jackpot; Joey owes it to Francis M – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

FrancisM at The Community Philippine Hip-Hop S...
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Condolence to the family! I prey you find peace!

Eat Bulaga‘ contestant bags P1-M jackpot; Joey owes it to Francis M
03/06/2009 | 03:29 PM
MANILA, Philippines – The somber set of “Eat Bulaga” suddenly burst into excitement after a lucky contestant won the P1-million jackpot prize on Friday afternoon.
“Eat Bulaga” host Joey de Leon owed Windy’s lucky win to fellow host and Master Rapper Francis “Kiko” Magalona who had succumbed to leukemia earlier in the day.
Hoy, Kiko, andyan ka ba, Kiko? Nagbiro si Kiko! [Hey Kiko are you there? Kiko is playing us!]” De Leon said.
GMANews.TV – ‘Eat Bulaga’ contestant bags P1-M jackpot; Joey owes it to Francis M – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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-No To Right Of Reply Bill-GMANews.TV – Media groups vow stiff defense against RORB – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

Image by BlueJeff via Flickr

The right of reply bil would like to ensure that the party referred to by a media report has a law defined right to air his side. Its all fine and good in theory but let’s analyze this in its proper context and we would realize that like libel it is another tool that powerful people use to suppress the truth and/or bullying by the media. Ordinary people like me do not have the resources to hire lawyers to try to sue people for libel or if this becomes law try to force media organizations to air my side. Generalizing this, although I have been extremely critical of the Philippine media, the toolset of powerful people in the Philippines would be the only one that is helped by this bill.

Media groups vow stiff defense against RORB
03/04/2009 | 09:02 AM
MANILA, Philippines – After failing to come to terms with lawmakers, media groups vowed Wednesday to stage a “man-to-man” defense against the passage of the Right of Reply Bill in Congress.
National Press Club president Benny Antiporda said they will not allow the passage of the RORB, which he likened to a “beautiful woman with AIDS.”
GMANews.TV – Media groups vow stiff defense against RORB – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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Stumbling and Mumbling: The power of stereotypes

FHM Babe - Loraine
Image by peterjaena via Flickr

This is sad to read. In the Philippines people are labeled early on because of close family ties, where 2nd or 3rd degree relatives see each other at least once a year. One thing I observe in these awkward situation is the way people give young kids labels that tend to be based on superficial reasons that then I believe sometimes become self fulfilling.

The power of stereotypes
Reputations can be self-fulfilling prophecies ; if you give a man a bad name, he‘ll live down to it. A new paper (pdf) by Thomas Dee shows this.
He did an experiment at Swarthmore College, asking a group of students to take a GRE test. Before the test, some students were asked about their sporting activities, and whether these conflicted with their academic work, whilst others were not asked.
And Mr Dee found that the athletes who were asked these questions performed significantly worse than the athletes who weren’t.
This suggests that when people are primed to be aware of a stereotype – “jocks are dumb” – they are more likely to behave in accordance with it.
Stumbling and Mumbling: The power of stereotypes.

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flip Pride? 4th most illegal migrants in US from RP –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Considering that the other countries in the top part of the Americas, this is a good place in a not so good list!

4th most illegal migrants in US from RP
By Veronica Uy First Posted 15:38:00 02/24/2009 Filed Under: Migration, Security (general), Government
MANILA, Philippines — Filipinos make up the fourth largest group of unauthorized migrants in the United States as of January 2008, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a report released Tuesday.
Of the 11.6 million unauthorized migrants believed to still be in the US, the DHS said Mexicans comprised the most, with 7.03 million.
After Mexico came El Salvador (570,000), Guatemala (430,000), the Philippines and Honduras (300,000), Korea (240,000), China (220,000), Brazil (180,000), Ecuador (170,000), and India (160,000).
4th most illegal migrants in US from RP –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Breaking News » Lump sum only for living WWII vets

World War II Memorial and Washington Monument
Image by CaDeltaFoto via Flickr

This is great news for those still living and probably scornful for those who have already left but still has surviving spouses. Something is better than nothing. On a personal note, my grandfather never accepted anything pensions etc, he was a WW2 veteran, He used to tell me he did it because of his duty to the country and not for anything else, that may sentimentality is impractical but I confess being an impractical man (sometimes)

Lump sum only for living WWII vets
February 17, 2009 1:26 PM
Posted under global nation
Veronica Uy
MANILA, Philippines — Only living Filipino World War II veterans will receive the lump sum payments from the United States, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs section of the American embassy said Tuesday.
“The bill has not yet been signed into law. All we know is that only live Filipino veterans who served in World War II or who have military service are entitled to [the payments], not their surviving spouse. That is our instruction from the central office,” veterans’ representative Kristine Parayno said in a phone interview with
Parayno said their office has not yet received the list of those who can avail of the payments of the procedures for filing claims.
The US Congress passed on Friday President Barack Obama’s $787-billion stimulus package, which included a $198-million allocation for the Filipino veterans.
The bill, which is scheduled to be signed Tuesday in Denver, would grant $9,000 to Filipino veterans living outside the US and $15,000 to those living there. Breaking News » Lump sum only for living WWII vets.

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At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal Is Hot Profits –

Photo of a 20-piece box of McDonald's Chicken ...
Image via Wikipedia

They still don’t do this here in the Philippines, except that we have lots of 24 hour McDonald’s store here. Maybe in a year or two. People mainly go to Starbucks to be seen, and moves like improving the interior design and making it a hip again would do wonders. In the Philippines McDonald’s is being squeezed at both ends. Local food Giant Jollibee has the lower end markets cornered whilst Starbucks has the middle to higher end markets for itself. McDonald’s here is finding it hard to find an image for itself. I think that their approach in the USA would also be a great fit for the Philippine market.

CHRIS WARD, 23, didn’t go to McDonald’s much because it wasn’t open late enough for after-hours snacks.
Casey Fillian, 32, and her friend Carol Milano, 33, gave up their teenage McDonald’s habit when they became more health-conscious adults.
And Russ Green, 47, wouldn’t go to McDonald’s because, among other things, he thought its food was unhealthy.
Yet here all four of them are, lined up at McDonald’s one recent morning, lured back by new menu items, longer hours and a sparkling new building that includes flat-screen televisions and video games for children.
Mr. Ward says he’s a regular again because his McDonald’s is open until 1 a.m. Ms. Fillian and Ms. Milano, now moms, say they often bring their children to the playroom and feel no guilt serving them apple slices and white-meat Chicken McNuggets. Mr. Green was drawn back in — grudgingly — because McDonald’s lattes are cheaper and more convenient than those at Starbucks.
At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal Is Hot Profits –

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