Better Class Of Politicians and A Better Press Corp please:: GMANews.TV – Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood
05/18/2009 | 10:24 PM
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MANILA, Philippines – Former sexy actress Aleck Bovick had a share of the limelight, albeit short, during the Senate session Monday.
The name of Bovick came up after Senator Loren Legarda delivered a speech on the alleged racial slur by Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin against Filipinos.
Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri referred her speech to the Committee on Women.
Senate Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada, who is presiding the session, asked Zubiri in jest if he was referring to Aleck Bovick.
Zubiri replied: “I know Aleck Bovick is a personal friend of yours but [we are referring to] Alec Baldwin.”
via GMANews.TV – Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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rePost:Would really like to know other people's thoughts on this!:GMANews.TV – Botika ng Barangay not in poorest places – Special Reports – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

As stated by the article I’m paraphrasing this, The politicians from those poorest of the poor provinces need to get off their asses and aggressively initiate a botika ng bayan (drugstore) in thier baranggays. Think that the problem is two fold, It would be helpful to see the feasibility studies of the BNB, I’m particularly interested in how they arrived at the 15,000population. Maybe the private sector or individuals can come up with the 25000 peso seed money and directly pay the DOH for the medicine for the poorest baranggays that cannot even meet the minimum requirements or have very lazy local public officials.
Wow two public health policy posts in a day woot woot!

Botika ng Barangay not in poorest places
04/14/2009 | 04:49 PM
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First of two parts
If a minimum wage earner were to be stricken with diarrhea, relief can come cheap from the Department of Health’s Botika ng Barangay BnB outlets, where a 2-milligram capsule of generic loperamide would cost only P1.05.
The BnB price is vastly lower than what loperamide costs in commercial drugstores—P4.10 for generic and P14 for branded.
Launched by President Gloria Arroyo in 2001, the BnB program is the answer to poor Filipinos’ need for cheap medicine. But here’s the catch: There is not a single BnB outlet in some of the country’s poorest provinces and towns where they are needed most.
As of January 2009, there were 12,341botikas, a long way from the 427 in 2003. But the program covers only half of the country’s 42,000 barangays and suffers from poor implementation and conflicting priorities from top to bottom. As a result, the BnB program has wasted scarce resources while denying health care services to the poorest areas it was meant to serve.
One example is the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao which, aside from having the least number of hospitals and barangay health centers, has the smallest number of BnB outlets, numbering 78 as of last January. All the BnB outlets in ARMM are in Maguindanao, leaving the provinces of Basilan, Sulu, Lanao del Sur and Tawi-tawi without any BnB drugstore.
via GMANews.TV – Botika ng Barangay not in poorest places – Special Reports – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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rePost:Great News:GMANews.TV – Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

Kevin Ray N. Chua with Senator Mar Roxas, Dava...
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This is the reason why politicians especially elected officials need to have websites so people can interact with them , they can get input and explain their sides etc etc. hope I can find a copy of this online. Over all without seeing the plan , mandatory health coverage for all is a win, the question is were do we get the money (magbawas muna ng mga mistress and mga politicians) , and is their a more efficient way to administer it than that envisioned in the bill/plan.

Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos
04/14/2009 | 01:55 PM
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MANILA, Philippines – A bill seeking mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos on state expense has been filed in the Senate.
Senator Manuel Roxas II proposes in Senate Bill 3154 that the government must pay for mandatory entitlement of every Filipino to healthcare benefits under the state’s health insurance program.
He said the immediate and automatic inclusion to Philippine Health Insurance coverage and membership is mandated by Republic Act 7875 (National Health Insurance Act of 1995).
The mandatory universal healthcare coverage shall be funded by the national government through premium payments to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), which shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act, he added.
“The health of every Filipino is important. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that our citizens are healthy,” Roxas said.
He said that 48.4 percent of the total P181 billion expenditures for health in 2005 came from individual families’ pockets, and that only 28.7 percent came from government resources.
He said the social health insurance, on the other hand, account for only 11 percent and health expenditure from other sources, such as private health insurance or community-based financing represent only 11.9 percent.
He said that since 26.9 percent of Filipino families are below the poverty threshold, “it is unimaginable how Filipinos who are everyday grappling with the hardships of economic realities, will be able to afford a decent healthcare service for themselves and their families.”
Roxas is also the author of the Cheaper Medicines Act. – Amita O. Legaspi, GMANews.TV
via GMANews.TV – Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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Hyberbole of the Day::Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs –, Philippine News for Filipinos

I’ll be making it a personal quest to try to find out how they are going to do this. This just seems wrong to me in so many levels. First I thought they were referring to multipliers effect etc, but this figure just seems wrong to me.

Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs
By Joel Guinto
First Posted 13:05:00 04/02/2009
Filed Under: Employment, Heavy construction
MANILA, PhilippinesPresident Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said the construction of an alternate entry point to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) via Mindanao Avenue would generate some 100,000 jobs.
The President led the groundbreaking of the NLEX Phase 2-Circumferential 5 project on Mindanao Avenue, near the Valenzuela City border on Thursday.
“One hundred thousand jobs are available in the construction of this network,” Arroyo said in a chat with construction workers and truck drivers at the site.
She said the alternate entry point to the NLEX, Metro Manila’s gateway to Central and Northern Luzon, would reduce travel time.
Traffic is usually heavy in the Balinatawak Area, where the main entry point to the NLEX is located.
This is aggravated by the construction of the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) extension from North Avenue in Quezon City to Monumento in Caloocan City.
via Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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Amazon Ships Vinyl Here! WOOT WOOT

Image representing Amazon as depicted in Crunc...
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Damn this just made my day, It seems that amazon has a nice vinyl store and  they ship here in the Philippines!
I’m still hating on them for not allowing electronic items to be shipped here.(I am personally blaming them for not shipping keyboards here; for what for me feels like repetitive stress disorder, or the pain I feel in my fingers, hand and arms because of too much typing .)
I am like a kid left alone in a candy store(considering that I could get the beatles album for around 15-30 dollars each, I consider this a bargain!)
Thanks Amazon! Hope you finally ship electronic stuff , and allow music downloads here in the Philippines!

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GMANews.TV – Sleepy student barred from taking final exams – Odds and Ends – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

City of Manila
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There was not a single class that I didn’t sleep on in college. The problem was I had this bad habit of sitting in the first or second row. If I had professors as easily offended as the one in this article , I would not have passed any of my subject! Hehe, good thing I had such wonderful professors!

Sleepy student barred from taking final exams
AIE BALAGTAS SEE, GMANews.TV 03/19/2009 | 11:24 PM
MANILA, Philippines – A second-year college student in Manila was barred from taking the final examinations by her professor after she was caught sleeping during a lecture, a television report said Thursday.
In his report on GMA News’ “24 Oras,” JP Soriano said Elizabeth Balitaan, a student of La Consolacion College, has admitted falling asleep while her Finance professor Ronald Pastrana was lecturing, but said it was due to a headache.
Balitaan said she tried talking to Pastrana but he refused to listen to her.
“Kinausap ko na po siya. Sinundan ko siya sa Dean’s Office tapos hindi niya ako pinansin. Tapos failed na daw po ako [kasi] parang nakakabastos daw ang ginawa ko,” Balitaan said.
[I tried talking to him but he won’t listen to me. He told me to consider myself failed for sleeping in the class.]
Balitaan was later allowed to take the exam by the school administration, the report said.
The incident however upset Balitaan’s mother, who went to see Pastrana to discuss the problem.
Pastrana, for his part, said he did not allow Balitaan to take the examination because she missed a lot in the lecture.
via GMANews.TV – Sleepy student barred from taking final exams – Odds and Ends – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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Better Class Of Politicians:Calling BS on Escudero:Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT –, Philippine News for Filipinos

The Philippine senator Francis "Chiz&quot...
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Escudero is either trying to appear more stupid everyday, or someone has kidnapped him and replaced him with a small intellect, will do say anything to get in the news papers guy. First there was this stupid comment on educational system of the Philippines  (writeup from a blogger here), now we have these stupid comments on ghost riders.

Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT

By Maila Ager First Posted 22:26:00 03/17/2009
MANILA, PhilippinesSenator Francis Escudero on Tuesday called on government to take over the Metro Rail Transit Corp. (MRT) instead of spending millions of pesos on “ghost riders.”
Hate it when politician pretend to be stupid, as I assume he is trying to do, the previous statements basically sidesteps the BOT scheme that the government got into, this is the real reason that the government is spending millions, they guaranteed return now we have to bear with the program.

Escudero said his calculations indicate that the government shells out a subsidy of about P42 per passenger, computed against the amount of public funds funneled into the MRT.

I think the figure is not that far of although a little in the small side.

“It is like paying for almost three riders more at the current fare…of the MRT, which on the average, is P14 per passenger. The government is paying for riders who are non-existent,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

The worlds that were emphasized is what really got me riled up. First this is a mischaracterization of the problem, why? You see what the government is actually doing is subsidizing the people who use the MRT. I’ve been aware of this subsidy for a long time, that’s why when I started working in ortigas I took the mrt whenever I am in a good mood enough to brave the crowds. Why? simply put  42 pesos for a ride at two rides per day at a conservative figure for days worked per month of 20 gives us a monthly subsidy of about 1680 per month which is a non trivial part of the taxes paid by people earning less than 20 thousand pesos per month, which based on the median monthly earnings of filipino workers constitute a large block of people.
Riding the MRT made me feel that in some ways at least for me the Government is having a Neutral to Beneficial effects on me.
Now based on the useless hearings in the senate and congress and all the useless government expenditure that the government lavishes on a whole class of people in this country I think that people like me, People who actually earn their keep , pay their taxes etc have a right to at least be given small services such as the mrt.
I’ll exercise some inner rantiness and plain petiness and simply say,
“In some ways you could close the senate and congress and probably we wouldn’t even notice, but close down the MRT or other govt services that actually work and we notice right away  “

“The MRT has long been bailed out by the government. While its coaches are always full, its coffers are always empty,” Escudero said, noting the government spent P579 million in 2007 and P618 million in 2008 to subsidize the mass rail transit system.

In fairness to the senator I suspect that he knows all of this and is just trying to find a way to communicate things effectively to the Filipino people.
My real problem is that instead of using this as an opportunity to increase the level of debate in our country he goes down to the level everyone has already been accustomed to, an interpretation of reality that is far from grounded in facts.
I can’t end in a bitter note so I’ll post what I believe Chiz got right:

Aside from these, Escudero said the MRT has a maintenance contract with a Japanese firm, which he described as “onerous” compared to what the Light Rail Transit Authority pays for the upkeep of the two lines it runs.
He said the MRT has a high maintenance contract with a Japanese firm, which is onerous if compared with lower fees the LRTA is paying for the upkeep of its two lines.
“To top it all, MRT’s debt carries a high 12.5 percent to 15 percent annual interest rate,” Escudero said.
He said it would be better if the government simply took over and ran the MRT.

Taking a line from alot of liberal bloggers/commentators is not a crime especially if it is so apt in this situation. This is what he should have emphasized.

“If we own it, then let’s run it. And let it be a reminder that when it comes to private-public ventures, never again should we end up privatizing profits while debts are nationalized,” he said.via Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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rePost: Hope This Becomes Law:Bill proposes 7 more holidays –, Philippine News for Filipinos

José Rizal
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Bill proposes 7 more holidays
By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr. Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 17:55:00 03/13/2009 Filed Under: Legislation, Public Holidays
MANILA, Philippines—As if Filipinos do not have enough holidays already, Congress is proposing to add at least seven more red-letter days on the calendar that would jack up the number of non-working holidays in a year to 23.
Catanduanes Representative Joseph Santiago warned in a statement on Friday that too many holidays could further dampen the country’s economy especially the 24-7 call centers that have to pay a premium for non-working holidays.
The extra non-working holidays being sought in a bill pending in Congress are February 4 (Philippine-American War Heroes Day), Chinese New Year‘s Day (movable date), March 18 (Bangsamoro Day), March 22 (Emilio Aguinaldo Day), June 19 (Jose Rizal Day), November 20 (Children’s Day), and September 1 (Filipino Family Day).
via Bill proposes 7 more holidays –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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Joey De Leon's Poem To Francis Kiko "Master Rapper"Magalona and Tito Sotto

Francis M.
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From probably one of the most versatile, talented and frank/real persons on Philippine Show Biz , idol Joey De Leon, his poem to two of his very close friends :

Sa dalawa kong matalik na kaibigan, aking ka-Bulaga, Kapuso, at kasandalan, isa
ngayo’y nagdiriwang ng kaarawan at ang isa naman’y may pinagdaraanan.
Maligayang bati, Tito kong Escalera, tulad ng pangalan, magsunud-sunod sana ang
mga biyaya ang mga pagsagana at magtagal pa nawa ang ating pagsasama. Tumpak ka, Pareng Kiko. Sa iyong tinuran sa landas ng buhay, isang lubak lamang yan.
Pagkatapos ng dilim ay kinabukasan. Awit mo, may bago na namang pagkukunan

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