TODO: Personal Project: Budget Cut PH : 2024 05 19 0332H

I believe we are walking slowly towards financial oblivion as a nation and the root is our multi modal society.

Our elites go to Davos and bring home concepts like clean air act, data privacy act, and various wokeness concepts that are useless for a nation with  a miniscule manufacturing base, a miniscule non BPO tech industry, and a failing educational system.

We have to really look at things with the mind of deletion, cancellation, removal of all these laws and bureaucracies that are costing us money and are only making things harder to build, nay impossible to build.

Key to this is looking at what each department spends on and how necessary those things are for the Philippines current level of development.

Institutions are built from the ground up and a lot of things can be saved if we put our minds to it and make hard decisions.

Thinking of cross posting this to

Better Politicians Please::Less money for statistics may lead to failed programs–NSCB | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

“It is thus unfortunate that while other countries, particularly in Africa, have begun to recognize the important role of statistics on the development agenda, the Senate decided to cut the NSCB 2010 budget, potentially curtailing the initiatives of the NSCB to help in poverty alleviation by producing small-area estimates of poverty statistics, and to promote evidence-based decision-making in the government and the private sector that will enhance the competitiveness of the Philippines among knowledge-based economies of the Third Millennium,” Virola said in his column.
via Less money for statistics may lead to failed programs–NSCB | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

Accurate statistics allows us to pinpoint programs that work.
Accurate statistics allows us to pinpoint government officials who have good programs.
Accurate statistics allows us to see if what we purport to prioritize are what we give money, time and effort to.
I could go on and on but I still have my migraine and would like to go to sleep again!